Sunday, April 06, 2014

The commandments of driving

0. If thou art a witness to an accident, thou shalt do thy utmost to render assistance.​
1. Thou shalt drive safely, obeying all laws of the Man and of common sense. Thou shalt be aware of the laws of physics, for they art written with an impartial hand.
2. Pedestrians are God's chosen people. Should they step into a busy street, the cars shall move aside like the proverbial waters did part. For yonder pedestrian, pushing the perambulator may be the saviour of mankind. Or his mom.
3. Thou shalt not tailgate, brakecheck, hog the left lane (especially while driving slowly) or use high beams without necessity.
4. Thou shalt not park like an asshat. If thou art of sound body, thou shalt NEVER park in a handicapped spot.

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