Thursday, January 25, 2007

Ann Arbor on Orkut

This community on Orkut has, at the moment of writing 972 members and is described as "Lovely college town in warm & sunny Michigan. Somewhat influenced by the local university."

The current temperature, according to is 3 degrees F. In Celsisus that is (3-32)*5/9=-16 degrees. Minus sixteen degrees. Warm and sunny; my left foot!!

Also, about somewhat influenced by the local university. I quote from Wikipedia here.. 'with a population of 114,024 as of the 2000 census, of which 36,892 (32%) are college or graduate students.' Yes, somewhat influenced by the local university, where every third person is a student at the aforementioned local university.. is something of an understatement. Anyway, I have to go now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

obviously, the writer was being sarcastic!