Thursday, December 13, 2007

Superhero journal - techsupport

The daily work of a superhero is difficult, I kid you not. Well, just yesterday, my computer got hacked. I mean, seriously, would you take a superhero seriously if his PC got hacked? (Ok, I used two 'seriously's' in a sentence, sue me, I went to superhero school, and I did not major in language.) So, anyway, I find myself on the pheun with Superhero Techteam, and that conversation did NOT go well....
Me: Hey.
Superhero Techteam Bitch (hereafter referred to as techbitch, or TB): ei.
Me: I have a small problem here.
TB: yesh shar?
Me: WTF?
TB: yesh shar?

brief interlude while I curse the God of outsourcing...

Me: Here's the thing.. everytime I try to check my Superhero Network Evildoer Update, the browser goes to this weird blue screen and I get this message "stick your head up the penguin's arse". Any ideas?
TB: Ish your computer turned on, shar?
Me: WTF? Are you listening to me?
TB: Yesh shar, what O-esh are you running?
Me: O-what?
TB: O-esh.
Me: DO you mean OS?
TB: oh yesh.
Me: Panorama X (dumb broad.. but said sotto voce)
TB: yesh shar, Panorama eksh has thish problem, but we can fiksh it. Eashily. There is a pyanch you have to download, let me gibhe you the link.
Me: I have to download a. .. what?
TB: A pyanch shar.. it ish a short of shoftware update.
Me: You mean a patch? (screwball.. also muttered)
TB: yesh shar, you are right.. a pyanch also means a shcrew, but there ish no ball!
Me: ...! Ok, so I need the patch.... and then?
TB: that ish all shar, the pyanch will cover the shecurity hole... ash they shay, a shtich in time shaves nine.

Dear me.

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