Monday, December 03, 2007

Snow, grading blues, work and other things

have come together to make me feel a leetil bit under the weather.. pun fully intended. But, I fully intend to bounce back with astute observations about the economy. and words of wisdom for the governments of the day (which, somehow, they always seem to ignore). But in the meantime, here are a few thoughts.. I caught a bit of the Republican CNN Youtube debate... and while Rudy Giuliani comes across as the most reasonable man amongst the GOP lineup, one wonders whether he is the man for the job. On the other hand, my impression of the Democrat race is that Obama might be the right person (observe the use of the gender free term), but compared to Clinton, he is a lightweight. But, back to the GOP, some people just plain scared me... I understand that abortion is a sensitive issue, and it would be nice if people never came to the point where they had to extinguish life. Having said, I think it is important to repair the social fabric which makes teen pregnancies, broken families all too common... but in the short term, abortion should be accessible to whoever needs it, It appears that many doctors in this country do not prescribe birth control medication on request.. because it goes against their faith. This, in my book, is a violation of professional ethics. Anyway, abortion, taxes, illegal immigrants and an unnecessary war. For the most powerful nation in the world, it is a luxury to have 'problems' of this nature, as opposed to the more real problems of widespread HIV, malnutrition and continued war in many other parts of the globe.

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