Saturday, December 15, 2007

My oh my, its almost Christmas week!!

And here I am in the lab at 9 on Sat night... (this is a recurring theme in my liff, and hence, my blog). Anyhow, I decided to give Tom Clancy a chance.. normally I am very leery of technothrillers.. and war fiction, in general... but hey, the man is popular.. must be for some reason. Quite well written, but still, regretfully, merely a technothriller. The greatest war novel of the last half century, and perhaps of all time is probably 'Bomber', by Len Deighton. This is a book that I had dissected with immense care (both literally and figuratively) about 17 years ago. I would like to find and read it again.. and see what I think, two decades later. Anyways, we are done with teaching for the semester (well.. the sem itself is almost finished).. so that is a load lessened. The building is to be evacuated at midnight for some major overhaul of the ventilation system. I guess there can't be more than ten people in the whole building.. (there are usually a thousand).... yeah.. Sat night.......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I guess that's better than Sunday night...