Tuesday, July 01, 2014

About Hunting

My 0.02$. ​Of the 5 animals commonly known as the Big-Five Game in Africa, only the Cape buffalo has a sufficiently large population to be classified as 'least threatened'. The African lion and the bush elephant are classified as 'vulnerable', the leopard and white rhino as 'near threatened' and the black rhino as 'critically endangered'. Hunting these animals(apart from the Cape buffalo) for sport is irresponsible and avaricious in the extreme. While all animals and plants play their role in the ecosystem and the extinction of even one is an irreparable loss - there is something else to consider. These animals, charismatic megafauna if you will - live in the memories, songs and oral traditions of a thousand cultures. The day the last rhino dies (and let us hope that never happens), the wild will have lost something majestic and beautiful. We shall all be the poorer for this.

So what can you do to help? Donate money to a suitable charity. Big game parks sell hunting licenses. Perhaps you could donate to the park itself, to the amount of a license - and then not actually go through with the hunt. You could also raise awareness. Countries in SE Asia are the main market for rhino horns and elephant tusks. Do what you can to dispell myths of virility enhancing rhino horn powder and suchlike.

Back to hunting for a moment. I don't consider hunting in itself to be immoral. But please consider your options. If sharpshooting is your thing, then why not hone your skill at the range? If you enjoy the outdoors life and the thrill of the stalk, then have you considered nature photography. And finally, if you wish to hunt and nothing else with satiate you, then why not hunt an animal that is widespread, and whose numbers might need to be culled from time to time? Deer, for instance. Hunting endangered big game may certainly earn you bragging rights, but it is not the right thing to do. And since many people tend to believe in a higher power, let me put my last argument out there: if/when you are being judged by the higher being you believe in - what will your explanation be for killing that rhino? "Because I felt like it"?

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