Friday, January 11, 2008

Shite has a way of boomeranging!!

Yeah, shite has an awful way of coming around and hitting you in the face.. something that is very apparent of late.

I have been following the pre election rumbling with some amusement, fueled, as always by the pithy observations of Jon Stewart. Obama? Clinton? Guiliani? No idea... here is a wishlist for what the next American president should embody.. understand that this is a foreigners' point of view. Feel free to disagree:

Not slaved to big business. The current economic model is one of appalling inequity, yet it contains within itself the seeds of a model of great promise.

Not isolationist. Not imperialist. The mistake that most administrations make is either to think of this continent as an island which can turn its back on the world, while everything goes to hell and breakfast. Not true. The other mistake that they make is to chew off a huge problem and solve it by giving weapons to the wrong people. Arming people does not help. Give them rice and wheat instead, and maybe some antibiotics, perhaps some drinking water resources... get the picture?

Think green. Small planet, no other options if the ozone layer just disappears. Think public transport, think smaller families, think hybrids, think lesser energy consumption.

Everyone can be here! Homosexual does not mean immediate danger to the traditional family.

Friendship is possible. Food is a good thing to share: nothing makes for the appreciation of another culture than a love for their mutton rezala, or a pad-thai and peanut sauce. Start somewhere: people would like to get on with their lives without being bombed/starved/strip searched at airports. There are so many good things to do. Go to the Vasant-Habba at Bangalore and watch an artist inscribe your name on a grain of rice for you. Take a trip with a friend. Chances are you will discover something more than just the place you visited. Now, we couldn't do that if we bombed all the nice places to dust, could we? Hence, scrap the weapons.

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