Sunday, October 08, 2006

Bangla bands.

Chandribindoo has the most horrible lead singer in the universe. The only reason why people still listen to them is that the aforementioned people haven’t yet figured out whether their lyrics are just plain stupid or making some really subtle point. This is the point at which people are divided. Typically there will always be some smartypants Bong bloke who claims that he and only he sees the deep meaning behind those songs. Such people have never been laid. They eventually marry ugly people and are unhappy for ever; but they never admit it.
Cactus is too intellectual for their own good.
Fossils has great instruments and a great singer. Unfortunately the singer also insists on writing the songs. Which is something of a mistake as no one actually confuses his lyrics with coherent thought. More like ramblings after a suitable dose of booze and/or weed. I am a big fan of Fossils.
Parashpathor. Girls like them.
Bhoomi. Great. Wonder why I don’t hear anything from them anymore… some one told me that the band broke up…. Is that true?

This was the shortest analysis of contemporary Bengali Bands you will find anywhere.

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