Thursday, May 14, 2015

Is it weird enough yet?

1. Take  a mini baguette.
2. Slice 2 cm cross sections perpendicular to the principal axis.
3. Sprinkle olive oil on the alfoil (correction: sprinkle canola oil because you are cheap and DGAF).
4. Preheat oven @ 400F (sorry, this shoulda been #1).
5. Slice the first cheese (a Comte Gruyere) into 1cm X 4 cm X 3 mm slices. We need them thin. Layer on bread.
5. Dust on soul seasoning. Yes, I know. Shut up.
6. Swiss chard, that is Laal Shaak - you have this already cooked. Layer a spoonful on the bread. Let the jhol soak in. No worries, this is all good.
7. Now comes the fun part. You have crumbled blue cheese set aside. Place an olive on each bread platform. Sprinkle blue cheese, aah, who am I kidding - put gobs and gobs of blue cheese on. You cannot really go wrong with this.
8. Bake for 10 minutes. Serve hot, eat before it cools.
9. Sides include artichoke hearts, blueberries, grape tomatoes and other strange things. Just be happy that I am not serving them with a side of jalapeno chips.

This stuff is awesome.

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