Friday, October 17, 2014

You there! Yes, you! Where is the milk?

We Bhattacharyas have long served as butlers and majordomos to various felines. We have emmigrated across nations, suffered through a Partition (yes, that one, the big one), trekked across the homeland again and then seen other distant lands. Through all of this, we have always had an affinity for cats. Well, cats and dogs, to be honest.

My apartment in SA is sometimes visited by a B&W cat with a toothbrush moustache. Quite naturally, she is known is Kitler. Well, Kitler had a litter and the only remaining kitten was Chhotku. That means "leetil one". The other kittens were apparently collected by a family. See, the problem here is that my apartment complex frowns upon pets. So Kitler and Chhotku have what can perhaps be called a "visiting faculty" arrangement with me. They stay out of my flat and I sometimes provide them with milk. This is Chhotku, one morning perched on the stairs above my head, wanting to know why her favourite servant is leaving for work without leaving a platter of milk out. Such is the relationship dynamic. Sigh..

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