Thursday, September 27, 2007


One fine day Mel Gibson woke up and decided its time to remake the Terminator. Except that instead of Linda Hamilton playing the terrified woman, we have a random bloke playing Jaguar Paw, and he is running. Yes, this is the greater part of the film, if it can be called as such. And instead of an implacable Arnold chasing him, we have a bunch of bad arse Mayans. And that ridiculous 'this is my jungle, so now I am going to kill ya on me own ground' reminded me more of the kid in Home Alone 3 swearing revenge on North Korean spies, than anything else. Which makes me think, why didn't this man put in North Korean spies in this movie, I mean they are everyone's favourite bad arses right now. And Mel, I know, that you are one sadomasochistic git. Stop trying to remake Caligula with each film. Someone put this in the top 10 films of 2007. Yes, if you watched 300 nine times and have an IQ of 300/9.

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