Friday, September 14, 2007


I just love this kind of writing! There are people out there who can't solve a linear equation to save their lives, and make up for this in myriad ways. One of these is to write stupid critiques of works of Science Fiction masters, such as 2001, A Space Odyssey, and to pepper it with preposterous judgments on why 'science as tool of human progress is bound to fail as it is bereft of wisdom'. Wisdom, of course is something that only the mathematically challenged amongst us can aspire to: the slightest predisposition to understanding and explaining the empirical nature of the world is 'knowledge, not wisdom', and dooms us to an incomplete existence. Aah, these fools, with the wisdom to discuss Plato and Thoreau but without the skills to add up their grocery bills! Anyway, read on and rejoice, for such idiots will pass into the world with their fancy degrees and perpetuate their hatred and fear of science, and replace it with something that can they cannot even begin to define. And such people will influence public policy and public spending.

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