Friday, December 23, 2005

the mysterious case of the shrunken gloves

the title says it all. it has long been known that leather is pretty good as winterwear, ok so i am not that kind of hinndu who refuses to wear leather, nor am i that kind of.. well, individual who owns leather pants (somehow one imagines other stuff as well). ok, so the only item of clothing in leather i have is a pair of gloves. thinsulates, to be exact. bought at a price which still scandalises me (the angst of conversion to rupees and haing a heart attack every time one goes shopping for groceries). and they shrunk! simply, quitely, with no notice whatsoever, i woke up yesterday and saw them shrunk. correction, the left hand glove was shrunken, the right was ok. but today, the right hand glove seems to be going the same way. now i went over all possible scenarios: its not like i have been sticking my hand in the freezer and keeping it there, or dipping my arm into buckets of acetone for teh sheer joy of it. i even thought of my esteemed shohogrihobashi pinching them and doing evil things to them. i dismissed it, he doesnt have the requisite imagination. still thinking.

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