Friday, February 03, 2006

public speaking

there is something about standing up and speaking to people with a powerpoint or something which fills me with unease. a feeling of total dread would be better. that way you know where to look. this vague, undefined feeling of messing up is not too good. anyway, so i had to give a talk this thursday. and as expected, i realised that i had to on tuesday. thats me, brilliantly organised and all in place. but i got the powerpoint in time, hating myself for not using prosper like i should. but prosper is like biriyani, takes a lot of time, and usually gives great results. and it is based on tex. and i ended up more or less enunciating clearly, but not quite speaking like i usually do. and i have to thank the audience for not tearing into me. i know that people at iisc would not have been so nice. after unprepared talks, the speaker's friends are usually called in for the last rites. so i lived and walked through somewhat chastened. the next one will be better.

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