Tuesday, January 03, 2006

new year

yes, yes its a new year...
i wonder whats the big deal with the new year.. i mean its not like the new year has any significance whatsoever.. look, thenew year is defined by an arbtit point in the earth's orbit around the sun, cos some bloke wanted it so... lets imagine that this is not the case.. well, its not as if the 31st of december coincides with either the apogee or the perigee of the earth's orbit, or with anything else of any significance.... so why the big deal? and all those silly picture postcards and greetings we send each other.. snow! snow at the time of the year which we call new year is a phe nomenon peculiar to the northern latitudes.. we honest south asians should have no part of it.. ok, so i have had a lousy new year.. and it shows..

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