Not something that Mr. Cruise is particularly familiar with... but his ex, the ravishing Nicole Kidman starred in a very offbeat movie called Dogville. This is a work by Lars von Trier... and amongst other things has the screen presence of Paul Bettany, who is a consummate theatre artist. This movie is many things at the same time, but mostly it is an exploration of what people will do if they can. In that, it is a successful play, and indeed it is shown is such.. but I am revealing too much.
Then, I saw 28 Days Later.. which is the kind of post apocalyptic scenario that is so precious to filmmakers all over the globe. Thankfully, it is not a Hollywood movie, but comes from an Englishman, Danny Boyle. It also stars the rising star, Cillian Murphy (I first noted his performance in Wes Craven's 'Red Eye', and he was.. creepy!). This movie owes something to the genre of British post apocalyptic science fiction writing, principally John Wyndham's 'The Day of the Triffids'. Both the book and the movie begin with our protagonist waking up in a hospital with complete silence around.. the silence which is the sign than man has failed... that civilisation itself has failed. But , just go see it.
Casino Royale.... Daniel Craig. I like this Bond, and I think people who do not are harbouring unnecessary prejudices and they shouldn't.
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