Friday, October 31, 2008
Football, wait, WTF?
Thursday, October 30, 2008
CERN's magnets also quench!
Oh this is funny! Hedge funds being dosed with their own medicine.
This week, hedge funds in NY and London tried pulling this on VW. Making it, for a short while, the largest capitalized company in the world. Except that it did not work. Thanks to VW, and also thanks to Porsche, a major shareholder. Read on here.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
The purpose of television really comes down to whether the person is likable or not
Monday, October 27, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
Urban Planning, Money and some totally insane shite going on in Dubai.
The last line of the article is quoted herein:
- "There are more construction workers in Dubai than there are actual citizens."
Yeah, my question exactly! The people involved in the actual construction of these magnificent monuments to Mammon ( I love alliteration) are an unfortunate lot. They work under harsh conditions. This article and this Human Rights Watch essay details what these migrant workers go through.
Music, cinema and emo's.
Movie Name: Kaagaz Ke Phool (1959)
Singer: Geeta Dutt
Music Director: Burman S D
Lyrics: Kaifi Azmi
Year: 1959
Producer: Guru Dutt Films
Director: Guru Dutt
Actors: Baby Naaz, Guru Dutt, Johny Walker, Mehmood, Pratima Devi, Waheeda Rehman
Theme: Art/Offbeat
Tum rahe na tum ham rahe na ham
Waqt ne kiya…
Beqaraar dil is tarha mile
jis tarha kabhi ham juda na the
Tum bhi kho gaye, ham bhi kho gaye
Ek raah par chalke do qadam
Waqt ne kiya…
Jaayenge kaha sujhta nahi
chal pade magar raasta nahi
Kya talaash hai kuchh pata nahi
Bun rahe hain dil khaab dam-ba-dam
Waqt ne kiya…
wish she had sung more songs :(
Thursday, October 23, 2008
The most important feature in any browser.
Firefox 3 does this beautifully. Download it here. I don't have IE, so I don't know if it does.
Also, a note to webpage designers. Blogs/articles which have less than 10 words per line suck bitter lemons. Lemons shaped like dills. Do you know why I am using such a complex metaphor? because in the first draft, I tried to be explicitly rude and the fookin' blogger interface wouldn't fookin' let me!
Anyway, here I am.. so webmasters, .. dudes... design webpages in two formats. Letterbox/Normal and widescreen. We will all thank you.
Young Sethu's research experience in haiku
My vision in science ranges far, really far.
RNA spectroscopy lies in the depths of my soul
While working late nights, I listen to rock and roll.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Update on Chandrayaan
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Just to put some things in perspective
Chandrayaan: Desi hardware going to the effing moon!!
Monday, October 20, 2008
And the other major elekshun issue is...
And then again, cows are sacred to some people and lunch for others. Cows are important. As this video shows.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
The elekshun and possibilities of a zombie apocalypse
Why don't people realize that this should be on everyone's mind? We need political leaders who can step up and keep a cool head in case of crises and I am not talking about something like a wimpy thermonuclear faceoff. What if, and no sniggers here, the dead come back to life and do a walkie? Are we prepared to deal with shite like that? Methinks, given our current state of prepared

But, the main thing is stay cool and elect leaders who will take us through without too much damage. Leaders like Shaun. Perhaps limited to a few melted Cornettos.
PS- thanks to people unknown for borrowed images.

Friday, October 17, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Totally awesome shite!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Darabont came back to King with the 2007 film 'The Mist'. This is about people in a small (New England?) town trapped by a mist coming in from the mountains. They find themselves barricaded in a small supermarket.
Now as one person had long ago derisively captioned King's works as "IT WAS A BEAUTIFUL DAY... AND THEN THE EVIL CAME!!!!!!!!"
True, sort of. But I don't know whether it was King, or the genius of the director who made this something else. Every good "scare" moment is better for the reflections seen in the faces and minds of people themselves. Every good SF work is ultimately an exploration of the human soul. The Mist went straight to that level. The way the group splintered into a small, rational group, struggling to convince a larger hysterical group was frightening. Even more so was the hold one deranged preacher had: who saw Armageddon in what lay outside. This was an illustration of the siege mentality at its very best. The Mist is mislabeled as a SciFi/Horror film.. it is an illustration in experimental psychology. The fundamental question it comes down to is "what will fear make you do?" In that scale it excels.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Liff, work and other things...
Getting back home on Friday night can be a pain. The buses are full of partying (read drunk) undergrads. And if your luck truly runs out, you will be sitting or standing right next to a drunk who will then proceed to puke his/her guts out all over you.
The driver was a sport. The bus was kinda crowded. (When I say crowded, I mean US crowded, not Gariahat Jn on a weekday rush hour crowded.. that would simply kill people here.) He pulled over in front of the undergrad dorm and we hear his disembodied voice on the PA "Here we are. Home of fine living and elegant dining". That provoked a derisive roar from everyone.
Meanwhile, I was being eyeballed by this trio of kids, one desi, one Chinese and one American. And they wanted to know if I was drunk. And if not, what was I doing so late on campus. I told them that I was a grad student. They rolled their eyes and expressed deep sympathies. Then made some smart aleck comments about Maxwell's equations (they turned out to be engineers). I watched for a while as their conversation veered towards greater and greater inaccuracy and then gently stepped in, entirely in the interests of electrodynamics and straightened things out.
Finally, on the leg home, the bus mostly empty, the driver opined that 9 out of 10 times, it was some girl who hurled in his bus. He shook his head philosophically and said that in 35 years of his driving, that was the way it was. Words of wisdom.
Random conversations
A: What do you think about deer meat?
B: Deer meat is great. But I love beef jerky.
A: Yeah, I had this piece of deer meat that my friend gave me this summer. It's been sitting in the back of my freezer, wrapped in a newspaper or something.
B: You should marinate it. Or maybe cook a steak. But you know what tastes really great? Beef jerky.
A: What would you marinate it with?
B: Aaaah, barBQ sauce, I guess, maybe some herbs. But beef jerky tastes so much better. I have my own recipe for making beef jerky.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Aaahhhh.. Friday night
Anyways, so me back again to work (and play), and this line cam to my attenshun which I decided to share with you...
Sometimes, though, late at night, I would think again of vim.
And then for my "achiever" friends, the proponents of Dudeism, this discussion of how the Big Lebowski has transcended space and time to become something beyond mere cinema is worth checking out.
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Email clients.. any suggestions?
But there are problems:
1. attachments: they download on the IMAP server. that sucks.
2. address book implementations. not cross compatible with anything else.
So, I would like to ask the world for suggestions
I would like to email clients, for a Mac and for a RHEL desktop. Both should be free, interfaceable with Kerberos authenticated webmail, and lastly, both should have one click 'download all as a zip file'. Maybe two clicks .
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Monuments are built on the backs of slaves...
One has to think about this: it has long been understood that all economic systems thrive on inequality: there is no way that the rich of the world, or even the not so rich, who shop at Saks cannot possibly maintain their own extravagant lifestyles if we were to provide free immunization against MMR to every child in the world. Or clean drinking water.
One of the fringe benefits of maintaining low intensity conflicts around the world is the constant availability of displaced people (refugees, we called them in a distant past) who will serve as willing (or coerced) warm bodies for labour when we erect our monuments to our own undisputed glory. There is the slight problem of some of tehse displaced people whose lives have been ravaged by conflicts set up and sustained by the great powers that they will turn so angry that some of them will insist on passing on their grief to as many people as possible. But hey, thats what the police state is for!